1 Chang Li, Yingchi Mao*, Qian Huang, Xiaowei Zhu, Jie Wu, Scale-Aware Graph Convolutional Network with Part-Level Refinement for Skeleton-Based Human Action Recognition, IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, June 2024, Vol. 34, No. 6, pp. 4311-4324.(CCF-B 中科院1区)10.1109/TCSVT.2023.3334872
2 Xiao Jia, Yingchi Mao*, et al. Few-shot Learning Based on Hierarchical Feature Fusion via Relation Networks, accepted by International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 2024 (CCF-B)
3 Yingchi Mao, Lijuan Shen, Jun Wu*, Ping Ping, Jie Wu, Federated Dynamic Client Selection for Fairness Guarantee in Heterogeneous Edge Computing, Journal of Computer Science and Technology (JCST), 39(1): 139-158, 2024. DOI: 10.1007/s11390-023-2972-9 (CCF-B)
4 Tasiu Muazu, Mao Yingchi*, et al, A federated learning system with data fusion for healthcare using multi-party computation and additive secret sharing, accepted by Computer Communication, 2024 (CCF-C JCR Q1)
5 Li Xiong, Yingchi Mao*, Zicheng Wang, Chang Li, Cross-Modal Knowledge Learning with Scene Text for Fine-grained Image Classification, accepted by IET Image Processing, 2024 (CCF-C)
6 Hongle Guo, Yingchi Mao*, Xiaoming He, Benteng Zhang, Tianfu Pang, and Ping Ping, Improving Federated Learning through Abnormal Client Detection and Incentive, Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, 2024, Vol. 139, no. 1
7 Yingchi Mao*, Zibo Wang, Chenxin Li, Jiakai Zhang, Shufang Xu and Jie Wu, Dual Adaptive Compression for Efficient Communication in Heterogeneous Federated Learning, accepted by the 24th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud, and Internet Computing (CCGrid 2024,CCF-C)
8 Xiao Jia, Yingchi Mao*, Ping Ping, Rongzhi Qi, Hierarchical Few-shot Learning Based on Top-down Correction Mechanism with Stop Strategy, accepted by International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics, 2024. 06
9 Zhenxiang Pan, Yingchi Mao*, Li Xiong, Tianfu Pang, Ping Ping, MFAE: Multimodal Fusion and Alignment for Entity-level Disinformation Detection, accepted by Pattern Recognition Letters, 2024.06 (CCF-C)
1 Xiaoming He, Yingchi Mao*, et, Channel Assignment and Power allocation for throughout improvement with PPO in B5G heterogeneous edge networks, Digital Communications and Networks, 2023,03 (SCI JCR Q1)
2 Tasiu Muazu, Mao Yingchi*, Abdullahi Uwaisu Muhammad, Muhammad Ibrahim, Omaji Samuel, and Prayag Tiwari, IoMT: A Medical Resource Management System using Edge Empowered Blockchain Federated Learning, accepted by IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, 2023.08 (SCI JCR Q1)
3 Yingchi Mao*, Lijuan Shen, Jun Wu*, Ping Ping and Jie Wu, Federated Dynamic Client Selection for Fairness Guarantee in Heterogeneous Edge Computing, Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 2023.08, (SCI, CCF-B)
4 Yong Qian, Yingchi Mao*, et, Dense video captioning based on local attention, IET Image Processing, 2023, 05, (CCF-C,SCI)
5 Zhihao Chen, Yingchi Mao*, Yong Qian, Zhenxiang Pan, and Shufang Xu, FRDet: Few-shot object detection via feature reconstruction, IET Image Processing, 2023, 07, CCF-C, SCI
6 Yingchi Mao*, Chenxin Li, Zibo Wang, Zijian Tu, and Ping Ping, Differential Privacy in Federated Dynamic Gradient Clipping Based on Gradient Norm, in Proc. of the 23rd International Conference on Algorithms, and Architecture for Parallel Processing (ICA3PP 2023), CCF-C
7 Silong Ding, Yingchi Mao*, Yong Cheng, Tianfu Pang, Lijuan Shen, and Rongzhi Qi, ECIEF: Event Causality Identification Based on Feature Fusion, accpeted by the 35th IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI 2023), CCF-C
8 Tianfu Pang, Yingchi Mao*, Silong Ding, Biao Wang, and Rongzhi Qi, Script Event Prediction Based on Causal Generalization Learning, accpeted by the 35th IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI 2023), CCF-C
9 Ling Chen, Yingchi Mao*, Hongliang Zhou, Benteng Zhang, and Jie Wu, MTS: Multivariate Time Series Anomaly Detection Based on Graph Attention Network, Int. Journal of Sensor Netowrks, 2023, 08, SCI
10 Guo Hongle, Yingchi Mao*, et, Two Phases Privacy-Preserving Scheme for Federated Learning in Edge Networks, Int. Journal of Sensor Netowrks, 2023.07, SCI
11 Jiajun Wang, Yingchi Mao*, Zibo Wang, Jun Wu, and Jie Wu, Joint Focal Loss and Dominant Gradient Correction for Gradient Conflict in Federated Learning, in Proc. of the 20th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Smart Systems (MASS 2023), CCF-C
12 Benteng Zhang, Yingchi Mao*, Zijian Tu, Xiaoming He, Ping Ping, Jie Wu. Optimizing Privacy-Accuracy Trade-off in DP-FL via Significant Gradient Perturbation, in Proc. of the 19th International Conference on Mobility, Sensing, and Networking (MSN 2023), CCF-C
13 Yingchi Mao*, Zibo Wang, Jun Wu, Lijuan Shen, Shufang Xu, Jie Wu. Two-way Delayed Updates with Model Similarity in Communication-Efficient Federated Learning, in Proc. of the 19th International Conference on Mobility, Sensing, and Networking (MSN 2023), CCF-C
14 Xiaoming He, Yingchi Mao*, Yinqiu Liu, Yan Hong. Green Resource Allocation with DDPG for knowledge Learning in Digital Twin-enabled Edges, in Proc. of 2023 IEEE 98th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC 2023).
15 朱敏,毛莺池*,程永,陈程军,王龙宝,基于双重注意力机制的事件抽取方法,软件学报(T1期刊,CCF-A中文),2023,07
1 Yingchi Mao*, Jun Wu, Xiaoming He, Ping Ping, Jiajun Wang, and Jie Wu, Joint Dynamic Grouping and Gradient Coding for Time-Critical Distributed Machine Learning in Heterogeneous Edge Networks, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2022, 12 (JCR Q1)
2 Yingchi Mao*, Jun Wu, Xuesong Xu, Longbao Wang, Adaptive sparse ternary gradient compression for distributed DNN training in edge computing, CCF Transactions on High Performance Computing, 2022,03 (SCI) Online
3 Yingchi Mao*, Jun Wu, Yangkun Cheng, Ping Ping, Jie Wu, Local Performance Trade-Off in Heterogeneous Federated Learning with Dynamic Client Group, in Proc. of the 19th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Smart Systems (MASS 2022), CCF-C
4 Yingchi Mao*, Jun Wu, Xiaoming He, Ping Ping, Jianxin Huang, Communication Optimization in Heterogenesou Edge Networks using Dynamic Grouping and Gradient Coding, in Proc. of the 17th IEEE International Conference on Wireless Algorithms, Systems, and Applications (WASA 2022), CCF-C
5 Jiajun Wang, Yingchi Mao*, Xiaoming He, Tong Zhou, Jun Wu, and Jie Wu, Accelerating Federated Learning with two-phase Gradient Adjustment, in Porc. of the 27th IEEE International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPADS 2022), CCF-C
6 Jun Wu, Yingchi Mao*, Xuesong Xu, ASTC: An Adaptive Gradient Compression Scheme for Communication-Efficient Edge Computing, in Proc. of the 23rd IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC-2021), CCF-C
7 Hongle Guo, Yingchi Mao*, Xiaoming He, and Hua Nie, A Blockchain-based Grouped Federated Learning Scheme Against Malicious Clients, in Proc. of the 64th IEEE Global Communications Conference (GlobeCom 2021), CCF-C
8 Ruixiang Li, Yingchi Mao*, Tao Wu, Jun Wu, Approximate Matching Based Cache Selection Strategy in Mobile Edge Computing, in Proc. of 2021 the 9th International Conference on Advanced Cloud and Big Data (CBD 2021), Award of Best Student Paper
9 屠子健,毛莺池*,吴明波,陈禹,基于强化学习的电力数据存储系统参数自适应调优,电力系统自动化(T1期刊),2022, Vol. 46, No. 4
10 刘意,毛莺池*,程杨堃,高建,王龙宝,基于领域一致性的异常检测序列集成方法,计算机科学(CCF-B中文),2022, Vol. 49, No. 1
11 李梦菲,毛莺池*,屠子健,王暄,徐淑芳,基于深度确定性策略梯度的服务器可靠性任务卸载策略,计算机科学(CCF-B中文),2022, Vol. 49, No. 7
12 毛莺池,唐江红*,王静,平萍,王龙宝,基于Faster R-CNN的多任务增强裂缝图像检测方法,智能系统学报(CCF-B中文),2021, Vol. 16, No. 2
13 程永,毛莺池*,万旭,王龙宝,朱敏,基于双重注意力的无触发词中文事件检测,计算机科学(CCF-B中文)