报告题目: Enhanced User Authentication on Touchscreen Mobile Devices
报告人:周建英, senior scientist,Institute for Infocomm Research
时间: 2016年5月27日(星期五)下午2:30 -4:00
地点: 勤学楼 3307
Touchscreen mobile devices become essential tools in our daily life. These devices can be used to access various services at anytime/anywhere, and they also store owners’ private and sensitive information. In order to prevent unauthorized access to these devices, user authentication is essential. Traditional password and graphical pattern are 2 popular user authentication methods. However, both of them are subject to shoulder-surfing attacks.
In this talk, I will present 2 solutions to enhance the user authentication for mobile device touchscreen unlocking. One is Cover-Pad, which provides leakage-resilience for traditional password based user authentication. It breaks the correlation between the underlying password and the interaction information observable to an adversary. Another is TMGuard, which introduces behavioural biometrics into graphical pattern based user authentication. It verifies users' unique touch movement features during the graphical pattern input. Our user studies demonstrate that both solutions can improve the security of traditional password based and graphical pattern based user authentication without compromising their usability.
Jianying Zhou is a senior scientist at Institute for Infocomm Research, and the head of Infocomm Security Department. He received PhD in Information Security from
周建英 (Zhou Jianying), 博士, 教授,新加坡资讯通讯研究院资深科学家(Senior Scientist, Institute for Infocomm Research, I2R),网络安全研究组的负责人。1997年获得伦敦大学(University of London)博士学位。研究方向为计算机和网络安全,密码学协议,移动和无线通讯安全。他是著名的国际密码学会议---应用密码学与网络安全(International Conference on Applied Cryptography and Network Security (ACNS))和密码与信息安全等杂志的创始人之一,是计算机安全、国际信息安全等多个国际著名期刊的编委会成员;担任过应用密码学与网络安全(ACNS)、自动化与可信计算(ATC)、信息安全(ISC)、隐私安全与可信计算(PST)、亚密会和PKC等50多个国际信息安全会议的大会主席,程序委员会主席和程序委员会成员;在国际著名的期刊和会议上共发表了150多篇学术论文。